Book of the Day: What If The Second Coming/Armageddon Is Something No One Expects?

Bob Mayer
3 min readNov 20, 2022



One of the mantras of my Area 51 books, indeed all my science fiction, is we don’t know as much as we think we know. And here is some truth hidden in myths and legends. Thus: I, Judas: The Fifth Gospel. Which, by the way, is now in Kindle Unlimited.

Having spent 12 years in Catholic School, done the altar boy thing, studied such esoteric theologians such as Erasmus, I had to put such knowledge to use. Especially when I combine it with my physiological psychology classes in grad school. Most religions have some sort of cataclysmic events written in their sacred texts. Whether its Armageddon or Ragnarok.

I asked myself several questions to write this book:

What if Jesus wasn’t who he appeared to be?

What if Judas did a good thing by betraying him, even though he didn’t want to?

And Judas is still alive?

And what if the event they both anticipated is finally occurring?

As a massive object appears in space heading directly toward Earth, the Brotherhood — a religious order, heralds it as Wormwood, one of the signs of the Rapture and it’s just three days away. They’ve been preparing to implement the Great Commission as designated by Jesus — where everyone on the planet must hear the word of God before the end in order to be saved. They will use advanced technology to broadcast that message directly into the minds of every human on the planet. The question is: will the message kill everyone who gets it or save them?

I like the inherent paradox there of using technology to impart something of faith.

Believing that Judas, the anti-Christ, is alive and well and living in the Amazon, they send a team of assassins up the Amazon to find the Great Betrayer and kill him before Armageddon.

Opposing the Brotherhood is the Triumvirate of the Illuminati. They believe they must stop the Great Commission and the assassination team. At the same time, they rush to gather nuclear weapons and launch missiles into space to divert the Intruder, as they call the object, believing it to be a natural phenomenon over which technology will prevail.

Science versus faith.

As the object nears Earth, both sides become locked in a worldwide battle for the future of the human race, as Judas prepares in the jungle for the Second Coming, the fulfillment of his Fifth Gospel.

Which is not at all what anyone expects.

I’ve noticed some harsh reviews based on faith. I feel about those the way I feel about my marriage. I’d rather have my wife pissed at me than apathetic. Pissed means she’s emotionally engaged. And that she loves me.

Enjoy! I, Judas: The Fifth Gospel.

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Bob Mayer

West Point grad; Special Ops Vet; NY Times bestseller of over 80 books; for free books and over 200 free downloadable slideshows go to