Day 176: 2020 Pandemic. Money Can’t Buy Happiness, But Can It Buy Survival? What the Rich Get Wrong

Bob Mayer
3 min readSep 2, 2020

I “what if” for a living.

What makes Special Forces elite is our planning before the actual mission. Planning for all possible contingencies, on top of the actual mission. I did it as an A-Team leader, as a battalion operations officer responsible for deploying 15 A-teams around the world, and as an instructor/writer for many years at the JFK Special Warfare School, which also runs the SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape) school.



Bob Mayer

West Point grad; Special Ops Vet; NY Times bestseller of over 80 books; for free books and over 200 free downloadable slideshows go to