Day 81: 2020 Pandemic. There Has Been Blood. There Will Be More

Bob Mayer
2 min readJun 1, 2020

The usual lines are being drawn: for and against protests. The difference this time is that we have a president actively inciting violence. It’s all he has. He doesn’t think beyond the next news cycle. He loves chaos and when we need calm leadership, his instinct is to throw gasoline on the chaos.

When he was elected, I told my wife he would surround himself with incompetence and graft in his cabinet. Why? So those people would deflect attention from his own incompetence and graft. And it has worked for over three years now.

This is about race; our original sin as a country was incorporating slavery into the Constitution. A single amendment can’t change what runs through the document. From the electoral college to the second amendment, slavery still reeks in it.

It also about wealth inequality. When our president has a fund raiser planned where a single seat costs half a million dollars, how much voice does the average person have?

It is going to get worse. Those who remember Kent State know what’s coming. Scared people with live rounds will eventually fire them. On top of that, this president praised armed rioters in state capitols as good people who need to be listened to. Seriously?



Bob Mayer

West Point grad; Special Ops Vet; NY Times bestseller of over 80 books; for free books and over 200 free downloadable slideshows go to